Monday 29 January 2018


 Electro Harmonix must have gotten ahold of some decent Acid.

The gear world's "Dirty hippies with jobs" showed up at NAMM 2018 with: " entire...universe...IN A BOX.....MAN!" in the form of yet ANOTHER multiple of past looping duds  ( it's the 9500...that's like 2 x + 500 better than the last looper they tried to sell you) and clearly they are, as the kids are wont to say...


 EHX has decided to take a THIRD swing at delivering to the public the ultimate Steroid Monkey, Multitrack looper, while simultaneously lifting a knee into ROLAND'S, well exposed, groin with one track more than that digitally addicted company's flagship ( Though it's construction is FAR from "seaworthy") BOSS RC 505 looper.

Does it seem that this new EHX 9500 will not only floor you with knock-out shot on the button but also prevent Roland from having any more children?

Who cares, the whole concept is nothing but "More...more...MORE!" style vulgarity, that forces unwashed undies (Of dirty hippies no less...BARF) into the face of a unique and fruitful creative method known a looping.

Never tried writing a song with a looper? You should, good things happen and any audio creative should have it in his arsenal, but the fruits of looping do not bloom amidst a dungheap of buttons and sliders. 

Looping DEMANDS two things: Imeadiecy and simplicity, it's a workflow that sprung up organically and became popular because of its ability to unclutter the creative process. EHX seems determined to spill that clutter back in like an upturned porta-potty at Woodstock.

Major bum out maaaaaan......

 if the 505 looper proved one thing, it is that LOOPING IS NOT MULTI-TRACKING, They are different worlds that don't mix well. 6 tracks? That's 4 tracks of distraction and four tracks too many, 2 tracks is the limit, once you go beyond that, you abandon the "Right now, this is it" mindset that makes looping a totally different creative experience,

 All of a sudden you are "Tracking" and trying to get things sounding "Right" so when you go and "Mix" it later.....F**K THAT, that's called MULTI-TRACKING, and it involves a lot of analytical thought, which is DEATH to the creative flow of looping. The 505 was a total dud, as it didn't let you get into the vibe of looping, nor did it sound good as a multitracker.

And since when has EHX even delivered the goods properly when it comes to these steroid loopers? This is their THIRD try and the first two had major issues, why would anyone believe that THIS time they aren't going to try and short change you? 

But even if they and Roland didn't always try to dazzle you with certain features so they could distract you from the essential corners they cut from others, a box like this is nothing more than a creative block of cheese. 

Start mowing down on it and you are going to get really full really fast, but when it comes time to actually squeeze one out you'll find yourself on the proverbial toilet making a lot of sounds but very little stink, as you discover you have been creatively constipated, 

Maybe EHX could include some EXLAX with every purchase of a 9500? 

Just a thought.

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