Saturday 19 November 2016

Should unsigned bands trying to get discovered waste their time playing gigs and trying to win fans? The REAL way to do it,,,,

Music ain't what it used to be,

The days of the Rolling Stones residency at the Marquee club, The Sex Pistols at club 100 or the New York Dolls at the Mercer Arts Center are long gone, local gigging can do more damage to band morale than anything in today's landscape,

So what's a young band to do? Here's what I know

I have been signed to two major label deals, two rock-star vanity labels distributed by majors one major indy and a few not so major indies, so I think I know what I'm talking about when I say...
It's who you know first, I got my first major label deal after having not played for almost two years, because a rockstar decided he liked me, end of story. I look back and it has been that way every time, which makes music a frustrating business because the direct work you are doing doesn't always seem to be paying off. I will also concur that "rocking" the local scene is actually a BAD move, perception is everything and playing local gig after gig makes you look small fry, better to book yourself out of town every weekend, to make yourself seem a little more important, I will say this though, you MUST gig, that is where you hone your craft and learn the ropes of the most important job in the biz, getting yourself over in real time with real people. But the attitude is wrong if people think they are there to "Be discovered" or "win fans" no, it is a rehearsal for when you start touring, a "LIVE" rehearsal keep that in mind and remember this one gem most people don't share that I will share with you now for free......ALWAYS promote to people "Geekier" than you are, people always make the cardinal mistake of trying to get the cool kids to come to their shows, DON'T WASTE YOUR TIME, they have better things to do, But you know who doesn't? the social outcast! They will get behind your band like solders get behind a general, But you have to welcome them, make them feel like they have a place and don't lie to them either, GIVE THEM YOUR BEST, tell the cool kids to f^%k off, ifn they like your music they will just steal it. Try that and see what happens, but most of you won't because musicians are almost all weak ego'd narcissists, who are in it, not for the money, but to try and appease their vanity, and it would not do to have anyone less than the bigger narcissists they know watching them, Still reading? Ok, hopefully I've scared off the sociopaths, now go forth and wield the mighty power of rock with a vengeance!

1 comment:

  1. Very good points. Some younger musicians would do well to listen to you.
