Tuesday 29 November 2016

The analog drum machine you don't even know you already own!

Today I bear happy tidings!

chances are you have an analog drum machine on the level of an EHX Crash Pas or Space drum or Metal Synsonics in your possession at this very moment!

Where is it? What will I get for it on Craigslist? Does it have silky high hats like a 606? Thundering Kicks like an 808 and blunt force trauma snares like a 909?

I will answer your questions in reverse:

1. Nah
2. Eh....sorta
3.heh heh....nope
4. $40 if you're lucky
5. Step away from your computer and wheel yourself over towards the closet.

I am guessing a good many of you host a "Land of Misfit musical toys" type box in your studios, ya know the box with the MPX 8 Arturia Sparkle, Roland Boutique, T.E Pocket Operator and last but not least......At least two or three Korg Monotrons.

Now I realize that alot of the MonotronGREAT MODDING FEVER OF 2013" Took hold and they were hacked to pieces by would-be "BobMoog's", who ended up being more like Bob-The-handicapped-Guy-who slows -up-the-line-at-7-11 In attempting to  ad features they Wouldnt have known what tod do with if thewy HAD been successful in installing them.

s died horrible  deaths as the "

Bt just like any happy handy capper some of you may have been comfortable to remain within the limits  oof your skills, which were  as follows: NONE, and it is to those of you that I speak today. Because the thing about the Monotrons is, ultimately they were more fun to destroy then to keep around long term, they sounded great, but if you're like me you would pull one out to do a specific track with and 3 hours later you are still chasing your girlfriend around the apartment making space age fart noises.

Fun yes, productive ....maybe....missed your deadline? most assuredly. So it was that many a Monotron were hurled in the general direction of the closet with one hand while the other expertly deposited a booger to the direct underside of studio chair the nation over  Thusly was this shockingly good and embarrassingly fun gadget excommunicated to junk boxes and No-Mans_land cord  piles that have taken over parts of our studios and that we fear to enter. It was a shame, but perhaps today I can help change that.

I can help you find a practical use for your Mmonotron's.

You see I bravely fought an evil mass of cable that had entrenched itself on one side of my studio, II fought valiantly and won. and I was able torescuee some innocent bystanders in the process.

A Monotron and a Monotron delay.

Later on when I was done chasing my girlfriend with the fart sounds , I tweaked a little more and discovered that with thew right dials tweaked and one feeding into another AUX input, one could actually put together a quirky little analog drum machine. I used the original Monotron and the delay but I'm sure any combo would be  adequate 

Here's what I did:

1.Montron line out to delay Aux in

2. Monotron: Cutoff LFO setting,  Pitch 9 o'clock, Rate 10 O'clock  INT 11 O'clock, Cutoff 9 o'clock, Peak 11 O'clock

3. Delay: Squarewave LFO setting, Rate 2 o'clock Int 11 o'clock, Int 3 O' clock

3. Rate on monotron controls tempo, Monotron is Kick, Monotron Delay is snare

Tweak around and customize the settings, but this set-up reminds me very much of my beloved EHX Crash Pad and Mattel Synsonics, and has the makings of a quirky trashy drum machine after my own heart.

Remember kids, all it t5ook was one crappy drum machine to give Blondie her first #1 worldwide hit single

If she can do it so can you, take your new drum machine and go write a hit, as soon as the bucks start rolling in, you'll hear from my lawyer.

Untill then.....

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