Monday 14 November 2016

How to use the sequencer on the Ensoniq ESQ-1 SQ80 (part 1)

Greetings humanoids!

Mash up a plate of peas and get that headgear strapped on tight, today we are going to try and teach you to operate one of the simpler pieces of gear in existence....

So let's take those 50/50 odds and jump right into the shallow end!

Well, I'll jump.... you dive

lets DO it!

1. Turn you Ensoniq on, press the SEQ button
2. Press the gray button directly ABOVE the words SEQ1 on the display
3. When the next page appears, again hit the button over SEQ1 you will see a line from underneath it
4. Hit the SELECT button
5. On the page moving the data slider will select your BPM, DO IT
6. Hit the control button, tape the button above METRONOME and use the data slider to select your time signature. Hit the button below CLICK = and move the data slider to turn the click on. Hit the button underneath COUNTOFF and select CLICK with the data slider.
7. press the SELECT button again, you will see the names of 8 patches (Sounds) look at the one in the upper left (To the right of "tracks") Press the button above it till the line appears below it.
8. Press the INTERNAL button and hold it, you will see a number of patches you pick. While still holding the internal button. Press one and then play the keyboard until you find one you like (To find more sounds: Press the internal button and then press any of the four buttons to it's right, they will show a full bank of sounds each, furthermore you can press CART A and CART B respectively, and then probe the 4 banks of sounds each is associated with. When you find your sound....
9. Press the LOCATE button. Now press the LOCATE button. Now hold the RECORD BUTTON and press PLAY after a 4 beat count off begin playing your selected sound.

Congrats you can now pick sounds and record them onto the ENSONIQ sequencer!

What I have tried to do here is give you the most straight forward tutorial possible. I do not expand the scope of my coverage to school you in every concept this topic may brush up against. I do not tell you WHY things are done I am showing you HOW things are done. The theory being: If you DO the thing you will then UNDERSTAND the thing, experience leads to understanding, not the other way around. If I get you DOING you will teach yourself the rest.

Until next time...

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