Saturday 19 November 2016

The Akai Rhythm Wolf says....F^%k y^%u Too!

      Lessons come from all angles in this strange life we live, people we meet for a reason or a season can teach us much about those places in us that hold us back from fulfillment but terrify us to look.

If only we can summon the courage to examine what it is in us that has us reacting so strongly to another, then we can grow and move on.

But sometimes the sight is too ugly to bear.

Enter the Akai Rhythm wolf.

Time to cut the BS, the Rhythm wolf is a very good analog drum machine. It's kick drum lacks compression in comparison to the other voices and can therefore, sound unbalanced out of the gate, but some high-tech production skill can be applied (The goddamn volume knobs!) along with the native overdrive circuit (Howl like a pig boy!) and the problem is soon corrected.

The wolf owes more to pre 808 drum machines then to all that 80's goodness (About 2 other machines in total) that the general populace buys new imitations of every year. It's sort of like a CR8000 (Of Blondie fame) meets a Boss DR110. That is to say, it is a PERFECTLY serviceable analog drum machine, yes the bass goes out of tune, but that's not what brought us tp the party so why leave because it doesn't want to dance?

(At the time of writing there is a perfectly serviceable tuning app that, while annoying, gets the bass in tune and ready to use)

So why all the hate? Simple! It's symptomatic of our globalized homogenized NWO one world culture running smack dab into the cowardly-non-conformists rebel-who-fits-right-in-dare-to-be-different-from-anyone-who-is-different-follow-the-leader-or-die-trying, youth of today.

Rarely have we seen a generation as spineless as the current crop of young people, they all look the same act the same, and have been careful installed with the urge to BUY the same.

THEY rejected the rhythm wolf before it had even been head, because they THOUGHT THEY WERE SUPPOSED TO.

If you trace the Wolf's doomed run, you will see that it mostly traces back to a video made by some french teenager who was obviously a virgin and couldn't be bothered to try and air brush his pimples prior to posting has scathing anti-wolf rant on youtube. His sublimation of sexual frustration into hating the wolf from his mama's basement was certainly entertaining, and as people laughed and saw others laugh, they assumed the laughter would be directed towards them should they objectively grade the wolf, and thus, an excellent product from Akai was D.O.A

Why am I thinking about this now a full two years after the mighty wolf fell in battle to an army of skrillix wanna-be worker ants?

Two words: Drum Brute

The French company who shall not be named due to having the worst and most insulting excuse for customer service I have ever encountered. Have released a new Analog drum machine and let me tell you something people....

....It sounds like SHIT,

Oh yeah, smudgy poop-hitting-the -toilet thuds all centered in the low-mid frequency range (Or the Mix-Killer range, as I call them) and fingernail-while-being-water-boarded sounding high hats, leave little doubt to the objective ear, and so far reviews are definitely mixed. But, as a machine that is clearly inferior to the wolf, it is not being piled on and skull-F%$ked to death.

And alas the reason for that, is that no one pimply virgin has yet to stand up and convince the others that they will be socially ostracized if they dare to love/hate this thing, you can tell the kids are cautious , they are waiting to be told what to think. As voicing the wrong opinion to them holds punishment worse than the afore mentioned skull-f%^king.

Well, I refuse to get in line. the truth is the truth and that truth is this:

1.The Rhythm Wolf was a good drum machine,

2.The Drumbrute is steam baked cat poop served in a nice cream sauce.

3. A whole lota folks out there did some skull-F^%king who in fact, had a Skull-F^$king coming!

4. The night is still young

Well that's all for now, and remember would probably be better if you didn't breed!

Have a great weekend!

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